Google just created this wonderful audio repository for us to add background music to our videos.
Pay attention to this because this is the way good things work: First you think on your behalf (in this case, Google needs videos from people). This is the only thing you need to keep in mind to find solutions.
You want something to yourself but you have other isses to get what you want:
1) People need audio for their videos.
2) There is a copyright issue for audio files on people's videos.
So, to solve this, you invest time and money to get more: Create an audio library for people. Problem solved.
And thanks to this way of thinking, Google is the best company there is now. Other companies say "I don't care if users want to put audio in their videos. They must get them from where they want, but if they use stolen audios, I'll remove those videos. Sorry"
That way of thinking lets you out of business, as it's happening right now with giant companies like BlackBerry. I remember BlackBerry used to say "I don't want to share my BBM to other platforms. We don't need to. If users want to chat with the BBM they must buy a BlackBerry device". Look at them now..